Из основных макси-фиков повезло найти только интересный цикл на www.tenebris.org/x__art/x_fic_ment_primer_main...., посвященный паре Патрик/Кимбел. Рекомендую:-) К сожалению, англоязычный. Вот если б кто-то взялся перевести... В знак благодарности за первые русскоязычные фики по этому фандому навожу основные работы, найденные мной. Спешу, потому кидаю списком из своей читалки :-) Если кого-то заинтересует - пишите, могу дать ссылки или тексты работ (по желанию)
Drinking Games
Rating: NC-17
Genre: slash. Can you believe it?
Characters/Pairing: Patrick Jane/Kimball Cho
Length: ~1700
Iron Man and the Mentalist
Pairing: Tony Stark/Patrick Jane
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
Notes: A Christmas request fic, for [info]archerstar, who asked for Patrick Jane or Tony Stark. I ignored the 'or' part.
Summary: "You're a terrible liar, Mr. Stark."
Summary: Jane is broken and the shards cut everyone.
Ficlet written for the Mentalist Kink Meme
Prompt: [info]mesmerized_mia
Hate! Sex.
читать дальшеWhen You Assume
The Mentalist-Dead Zone x-over: Patrick Jane thinks he has a solid handle on just about everything, but a quiet stranger with an amazing gift is about to rock his world...
Rating: FRT15 - over 15 starstarstarstarstar
Fandoms: The Dead Zone, The Mentalist
Characters: Grace Van Pelt, Johnny, Kendall Cho, Patrick Jane, Teresa Lisbon, Wayne Rigsby
Genres: GenSlash
Five Ways Patrick Jane Hasn't Died Yet (And One Way He Never Will)
Dira Sudis
A good performer knows that how he gets off the stage is as important as everything he does on it.
Thanks to Miss Molly Etc. for beta!
DIRA Sudis
Mian He, Ahjuma, Hangul Mal Mullayo
Cho was freaking out about taking Jane to meet his parents, in the most entertainingly overt manner yet.
Clarity (Enmuse)
Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing: Kimball Cho/Patrick Jane
RATING: Adults Only
Prompt: Coalesce Kink: Friction or frottage
Word Count: 725
Typical disclaimers apply, this is fanwork.
Summary: It takes all of a minute to forget the takeout...
Harvest 1-4
SPOILERS through S2 finale Jane attempts to deal with the fallout.
Cho has a unique recommendation for Jane's insomnia.
Work Text:
Options, a Mentalist story. 3827 words, RATED NC17 SLASH explicit sex and some naughty language. Cho has
Deep Red Bells
greenripper (sienamystic)
"He led you to this hiding place
His lightening threats spun silver tongues
The red bells beckon you to ride
Handprint on the driver's side"
Red John draws Van Pelt into his game with Patrick Jane.
This began as me filling the kink_bingo square tattooing, and spiraled down into a pretty dark story (for me, anyway). All glory to the lovely Hypnotoad Apis Mellifera for the beta.
Rating: NC-17 (Deals with non-con)
Warnings: Non-con, slight violence, swearing. If you have any questions about the nature of the fic before deciding to read it, I'm happy to answer them.
Pairing: Red John/Jane, team gen.
Notes: This is a sequel to the Red John/Jane fic I posted at the Mentalist kink meme here. That fic also deals with non-con. This will make more sense if you read that first. Also, if anyone has suggestions for a decent title, hit me. I suck at titles.
Summary: After Red John's holiday is over, Jane and his team pick up the pieces.
Dirty Little Details
Rating – NC17
Pairing – Cho/Jane
Summary – PWP smut fest in which our two guys enjoy a little phone sex at the end of the day.
Rating - R (Adult Themes)
Pairing - Jane/Cho
Summary - Five Kisses of Patrick and Kimball
A/N - Wanted to get this posted before I went on holiday - any mistakes are mine (and i apologise for the corny last line)
Lose Control
Rating: NC17
Characters: Cho/Jane
Summary; Kimball wants Patrick to lose control for a little while.
A/N - see above. Spoilers for S2 if you don't know the ins and outs of a certain growing romance between other members of the team.
In two parts for length
Pairing: Jane/Cho
Rating: G
POV: Cho's
Summary: The morning after the night before heralds all kinds of changes. One shot.
Lisbon's Profiler
Kate R
Summary: a Blast from Lisbon's Past puts Jane in the hospital.
Rating: FRM - Mature starstarstarstarstar
Fandoms: Profiler, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist
Love heals
Kate R
Summary: Patrick Jane needs healing.
Rating: FRAO - Adult starstarstarstarstar
Fandoms: CSI Miami, Without A Trace, Kung Fu, The Legend Continues, The Mentalist
Characters: ensemble, Grace Van Pelt, Kendall Cho, Patrick Jane
Genres: Hetero, Slash
Warnings: Abuse, Angst, graphic sex, hetero and slash, Hurt/Comfort, m/f, m/m
Jane's Death
Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing: Jane/Cho
Email: kaytee4ever@gmail. com
Fic LJ: slashsanctuary.livejournal.com
Fandom: The Mentalist
Pairing( s): one-sided Red John/Patrick Jane (implied Patrick/Teresa)
POV: Red John
Word count: 763
Rating: Hard R / Nc-17
Warnings: Implications of non-consensual sex, although this is nothing more than the musings of a deranged serial killer.
Spoilers: This snippet takes place a few hours directly after ‘Red Sky in the Morning’, the season two finale.
Loving the Shaggoth
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jane meets a tentacle monster at the zoo!
Warning: Tentacle porn
Pairing: Jane/Tentacle Monster
Three’s a Crowd, Five’s an Orgy
Groupings: Grace/Rigsby/Jane, Grace/Rigsby/Cho, Cho/Lisbon, Grace/Rigsby, Grace/Jane, Rigsby/Jane, Lisbon/Grace/Rigsby, Lisbon/Grace/Jane, Lisbon/Cho/Jane/Grace/Rigsby, Lisbon/Jane
Summary: “Do you really think that seducing Jane into having a threesome with us so that we can blackmail him into not blackmailing us will make him less lonely?” –Wayne Rigby
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~25000 words
Warnings: More OOC than perhaps it ought to be. Smut. Unrepentant smut. Spoilers for 2x11 to 2x13.
A Matter of Trust
Pre-Jane/Cho. He trusts that Jane is worth it, and because Jane knows Cho, because he knows that Cho is a man of evidence and facts, that trust that's been handed over so easily sometimes takes Jane's breath away.
Christmases Future
Pairing: Cho/Jane
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: vague ones for the series
Series: 12 Days of Xmas
Life's Not Fair
Rating: R
Pairing: Cho/Jane
warnings: angst, language
notes: not beta'd, just an odd little ficlet and my first in the mentalist fandom. feedback welcome!
An Exchange
Summary: Jane keeps giving the team gifts. They are surprised, confused, and eventually amused when they figure out why.
Warnings: Fluff. Really sweet in a confusing way.
Beta: [info]lady_of_scarlet
Prompt: from [info]rionaleonhart in the Mentalist Kink Meme I would absolutely love to read fanfiction in which Jane is in love with every member of his team and has an odd physical-but-not-quite-sexual dynamic with all of them. Possibly with the rest of the ...
Red John never lets a victim live. Not until Patrick Jane. 'His Mister Jane,' some part of him whispers anxiously. 'His.'
Prompt from the Mentalist Kink Meme at LiveJournal.
"Red John/Jane. Possessiveness/jealousy. ^.^"
to love and kill with the very same hand
Cho and Red John have a conversation about gut wounds and revenge.
For: The Mentalist
Pairing: Jane/Cho (but if you wanted, you could call this friendship. Friendship…with touching.)
Summary: (He comes in colors everywhere. In the air. He’s like a rainbow.) A light angst fest.
Warnings: Bit of language. Spoilers for the pilot, I suppose, but if you haven’t seen that, why are you reading the fic?
Another Red Letter Day
There is a letter waiting on his desk when he returns to work.
Set after "Red Sky in the Morning" but really only spoils "Seeing Red".
Sweet Talker
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Cho/Jane, Van Pelt, Rigsby, Lisbon
Spoilers: none
Warning: Proof that Halloween sugar rots my brain. I can't tell if this is cute or just stupid! I'm currently experiencing epic tragedy in Real Life, and I think I wrote this silly little piece to balance all that out.
Word Count: 1173
Field Test no. 5: Presents and Other Dangerous Things
Scarlet. Crimson. Red
The Red Men
Three Firsts
Vroom, Vroom.
* * *
Red King of Hearts
Rating: R
Pairing: one-sided Red John/Patrick Jane
Summary: The very idea that such a file exists makes you laugh.
Warnings: spoilers up to 01x11, dark, disturbing imagery, oc deaths
Из основных макси-фиков повезло найти только интересный цикл на www.tenebris.org/x__art/x_fic_ment_primer_main...., посвященный паре Патрик/Кимбел. Рекомендую:-) К сожалению, англоязычный. Вот если б кто-то взялся перевести... В знак благодарности за первые русскоязычные фики по этому фандому навожу основные работы, найденные мной. Спешу, потому кидаю списком из своей читалки :-) Если кого-то заинтересует - пишите, могу дать ссылки или тексты работ (по желанию)
Drinking Games
Rating: NC-17
Genre: slash. Can you believe it?
Characters/Pairing: Patrick Jane/Kimball Cho
Length: ~1700
Iron Man and the Mentalist
Pairing: Tony Stark/Patrick Jane
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
Notes: A Christmas request fic, for [info]archerstar, who asked for Patrick Jane or Tony Stark. I ignored the 'or' part.
Summary: "You're a terrible liar, Mr. Stark."
Summary: Jane is broken and the shards cut everyone.
Ficlet written for the Mentalist Kink Meme
Prompt: [info]mesmerized_mia
Hate! Sex.
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Drinking Games
Rating: NC-17
Genre: slash. Can you believe it?
Characters/Pairing: Patrick Jane/Kimball Cho
Length: ~1700
Iron Man and the Mentalist
Pairing: Tony Stark/Patrick Jane
Rating: R
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.
Notes: A Christmas request fic, for [info]archerstar, who asked for Patrick Jane or Tony Stark. I ignored the 'or' part.
Summary: "You're a terrible liar, Mr. Stark."
Summary: Jane is broken and the shards cut everyone.
Ficlet written for the Mentalist Kink Meme
Prompt: [info]mesmerized_mia
Hate! Sex.
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